I came across a small collection of these parish magazines, spanning from 1928 to 1937.

Each issue contains some little 'pearls' of local social life in the '30s and, in particular, a brief account of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials occurred in the Parish (useful to 'root diggers'!). I have extractd and transcribed the details in an alphabetical table form. There are some 1200 entries and perhaps some might relate to your family? Have a look!

St. Gabriel's Church, Walthamstow, Baptism, Marriage & Burials - 1934-1936 - Alphabetical

Please note:

  • Entries are listed in alphabetical order
  • Marriage (with a few exceptions) & burials do not have a date, but month-year may be assumed from the Issue's date, since events usually refer to the month preceding the issue's date.

Enjoy it! And contact me if you need further info.

Following is a sample issue:
St Gabriel's Parish Magazine, Walthamstow - p.1 St Gabriel's Parish Magazine, Walthamstow - p.2 St Gabriel's Parish Magazine, Walthamstow - p.3 St Gabriel's Parish Magazine, Walthamstow - p.4